Bots on Workplace Chat
If you are a system admin looking to enable a bot on Workplace Chat, then visit our Integration Directory to get started.
Bots on Workplace Chat offer a range of functionality. They may:
- Send you timely notifications
- Let you check your annual leave balance
- Help you book meetings
- Set up video calls
- Give feedback
- Create tasks
The exact functionality depends on which bots your Workplace admin has enabled.
Do bots have access to your messages?
Bots in Workplace Chat only have the ability to read:
- The messages sent directly between you and the bot
- The messages in a group chat where the bot has been added as a participant
Your Workplace admin is in control of the integrations that have been enabled in your Workplace. Some of the integrations, such as those focused on security or compliance, may have access to your messages if approved by your admin.
If you have questions about what information your Workplace admins can view and who has access to it, then contact your Workplace admin.
Who can see your responses to a Workplace bot?
When you message a bot, you're messaging an application built either by someone in your organization or by a third party.
The developers of that application will have access to the conversation between you and the bot. When you add a bot to a group chat, the developers of the application will have access to the whole group chat thread, just as any person would if you added them to the group chat.
If you’re a system admin and you want to know more about how a third-party application is using that information, you can read the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use provided by the application developers by going to Integrations in the Admin Panel and clicking the integration you want to know more about.
If you’re not a system admin and you want to know this information, you will need to ask your system admin. And remember that, as with all your content on Workplace, your admin may be able to see the content you post, or messages you send or receive. This includes messages you exchange with a bot.
Note: Bots can’t be added to group chats that are linked to Workplace groups.
Mute bot notifications
You can’t block bots or people within your organization from messaging you on Workplace Chat. You can, however, mute notifications from them.
To do this using Workplace in a desktop browser:
- Go to the chat you want to mute notifications for.
- Click
Notifications above the chat.
- Click Mute chat.
- Select how long you want to mute notifications for.
To do this using the Workplace Chat desktop app:
- Click
Chat options at the top right of your chat.
- Click Mute.
- Select how long you want to mute notifications for, then click Confirm.
To do this in the Workplace Chat mobile app:
- Tap
at the top right of your chat.
- Tap Mute.
- Select what you want to mute, then tap OK.
- Select how long you want to mute notifications for, then tap OK.
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